Saturday, February 8, 2014

C4T #1

I was assigned to comment on Becky Georend's blog Live the Conversation

The fist post of hers that I commented on was about how many of her students she encounters one day from a morning pancake breakfast until two in the afternoon. She is approached by two students at the pancake breakfast and is then obliged to have conversations with their parents. She also makes the point that she is in her not very clean mommy clothes and has her hair pulled back in a pony-tail. Then later she sees a former student at the grocery store and stops to say hi while "lugging" around her baby. She then waves to two more of her students on the way home and then meets the mother of one of her students slightly after that at a swap meet. She describes that even if she is not teaching at her school she is still "on the clock." Last, she poses the questions "Do you choose to live in the community in which you teach? If so, why? If not, why not?"

This is the first comment I posted on her page:

I really enjoyed reading this post. Although it may seem a bit intruding into your own life at times, I believe that your students constantly wanting to be a part of your life is very flattering. It shows that you are a huge part of their lives and they want to extend that into other factions of their own lives. As teachers we should work to be good examples for our students, and from reading a little bit about you on your bog I think it is great that they have someone like you to look up to. I am not teaching yet and have not quite settled on the community I will be teaching in, but when that happens I hope to be as a welcome member of that community as you are!

The second time I went to her blog, she had posted what appeared to be a filler post because it was a sort of chain post where you list eleven things about yourself that people may not know. However, this one was different because her brother added more specific questions involving her life in education. These are those questions and her answers:
1. What book written prior to 1990 has influenced your professional growth as an educator the most?
Not sure I've ready one prior to 1990 that I can recall right now. I thoughtTeaching with Love and Logic was old, but that's just 1995.
2. Why did you decide to start blogging?
I wanted to share my thoughts, and I enjoy writing.
3. Which educational author do you disagree with the most?
Any that back up letter grades.

This is my second comment on her page for that post:

First I would like to say thank you for commenting on my class blog, I very much appreciate your encouragement and would be thrilled to see a video project with your cat in it when visiting your blog in the future! I have seen chain posts like this one on Facebook, though not on a blog before. I never can think of people to send them to either, but I have always thought about filling one out. However, I am happy that you did this one because it is a fantastic way to learn about my first assigned teacher to comment to. By reading it and exploring your blog, I can see that you are a loving wife and mother as well as an accomplished educator and community member. These are all such things that I aspire to be. From reading this post, I can only imagine how much fun you and your brother had hosting "Townsley Times" in college, and I believe that I can actually say Garden of Eat'n is one of the most unique restaurant names I have come across ( keeping in mind that I hail from Mobile, Alabama), plus Adam and Eve on the boxes really ties the idea together. I love that you do not support letter grades. It is especially at the elementary level that children can easily begin to be labeled and compartmentalized. I am especially happy that I caught you on this post because your response to the question about why you blog will inspire me to use my EDM class and blog to help share my own opinions with what I write as well. Thank you!

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